Sunday, March 23, 2008


I have finally decided to get my act together and do something with my website. I decided for now the best(?), easiest(?) thing to do would be to keep a blog. I don't have a great track record on my other blogs (myspace, yahoo 360) of posting regularly but I am going to do better with this one.

I guess I should start with a little information about myself. I am a twenty something wife, mother, doggy momma, medical student and MBA student. I have a wonderful, brilliant, creative, caring and down right sexy husband, Brian. About five weeks ago I gave birth to the most beautiful little boy, Sebastian. He is growing so fast it is hard to keep up. We have a gorgeous Flat Coated Retriever named Lucy who we are trying not to neglect too much while we adjust to life with a baby in the house. I am in the home stretch of my clinical rotations and will be completing my Doctorate of Medicine in 7 weeks and will graduate from St. Matthews University School of Medicine on May 3rd, 2008. I am also working on an MBA at Davenport University and hope to complete it by December.